Written by Julean Palpallatoc
We hope for our generation as a youth to continue where we stand within our society today. We have grown to understand that our world revolves around us differently, however, in some cases, most people in our community do not have hope for our future, especially towards our generation that could potentially change the lives of the people under development in 2021.

Photo credits to the original owner from Unsplash
Wherever we go, we see that countless scenarios have brought us stories to tell with meanings that bear the statement of our lives. Within that statement, we question the decency of the world whether there is something more than a story to tell. There are several situations that made us think about whether they are worth writing for as our generation of youth had experienced personal struggles that may seem privileged towards others or places that not most could live from. For instance, there have been issues that revolve around poverty due to the capitalist system that was placed upon our paperwork for others not to receive. Therefore, minimum wages have been implemented which was not enough to provide others for their daily work. Hence, we would advocate for this issue that the older generation would not bear to care. When we see that action has been taken, perhaps there has been more to say.
I live in a place where certain opportunities such as resources for students could be given whether it could be beneficial to us as an individual or an action plan that focuses more upon the future. However, I would recognize these opportunities that were placed as a part of our history, to change lives for those who are in need. I remember a time where most of my peers would discuss the current issues that were happening around the beginning of 2020 which had affected numerous lives such as the wildfires occurring in Australia and the climate injustice in South America. A discussion was set up in our 11th grade class to talk about how the pandemic has influenced our youth in terms of speaking up about certain movements such as the Black Lives Matter Movement or the Anti-Terror Bill occurring in the Philippines. What I saw from those discussions was an active spark that recognizes issues ongoing today.
Although it may seem that the youth is just aware of what’s happening at the current moment, there was more to tell. Our generation understands the present situation which could severely change their lives. As mentioned, the current events or movements that have happened mid-2020 have made the youth stand their ground and advocate the issues that impact us. It makes us reflect on the unlimited information that has been passed down to us and makes us feel aware of certain parts. Due to these significant events, more and more of our youth have actively spoken about these issues that tackle the future of our world. Sometimes I wonder if the pandemic has caused us to shape these moments that could long to us for hope.

Photo credits to the original owner from Unsplash
The COVID-19 pandemic has seemingly changed people’s lives either for the better or for worse. However, I understood that it made us feel prepared or motivated from certain aspects since it made every one of us reflect on what comes in store for us whether it relates to activism, education, or the future. However, I would not just say that our lives solely depend on activism. Development is a part of our lives whether it comes to nation-building their stance internationally or facing issues that affect society. Our perception is a pen that writes our story that the generation would understand in today’s time, especially in 2021. There are so many contributions that the youth can go through which, therefore, will change the future with countless opportunities and driven optimism that is shared globally.
As I reflect on the ideals and morals that we have faced in 2020, we were just a community where voices have been avoided for years due to different mindsets implemented upon us. When time goes on, we see that there is much more for our generation to undergo whether it comes to understanding a specific issue or being aware of the circumstances we are in that might affect the future of our youth. We are just one part of history to tell but certainly that in 2021, we know we have that power of collaboration and unity with us because that's how we can change the world and develop the future awaiting us.

About the Writer
Julean “Jules” Palpallatoc (she/her) is currently a rising college freshman studying in the Philippines who is planning to pursue Political Science and Entrepreneurship as her courses! She is interested in reading historical fiction and romantic books which made writing to be her one of her enjoyable hobbies. She has participated in various organizations including Model UN activities and more! She hopes that her contribution to the organization would make an impact on the world and the people!