By Fizza Zehra
“I am an ordinary person who found herself on an extraordinary journey"

Photo from Unsplash
The book vividly describes her fears and aspirations, lows and highs and doubts and concerns about her life. She takes the reader on a journey, starting from her past to the time she left the white house. She describes the hardships faced by her family during her childhood to how she became the first black former lady of the united states of America. She provides the details of her time at Princeton university to how she met the love of her life and the journey of her happily ever.
She talks about her struggles to protect her girls from paparazzi, and surprisingly, to buffer
them from the intrusive Secret Service. I'd never considered how it would feel to have SS men shadowing me everywhere--she was inventive and designed a few 'work-around'.
She manages to get them out of their black suits, shoes and ties to change into shorts, tees and caps, and to swap out their black earpieces for white headsets, so the girls and their friends would feel more comfortable. I deeply admire her healthy agenda for children and believe that she's had a tremendous impact on our culture and awareness. I only wish that she liked politics more--perhaps she can use her significant influence in other constructive ways.
A must-read book for inspiration.
About the Author
Fizza is a Grade 11 student from Pakistan who loves to read and write. The idea of being able to cage your words was always inspiring to her. Something that normally people wouldn't know about her is that she loves to teach! Interacting with young children was always a fun thing for her to do.