Written by Luke Angus
Many teens around the world have been greatly impacted by COVID-19 and it’s mysterious force. To this day, we still have so much to uncover about the unknown aspects of the Coronavirus. I’m writing this article to bring light to the various ways COVID-19 has negatively impacted our lives across the world and how those affects are detrimental to our modern day societies.
Life as a teen has been drastically changed since the pandemic occurred. At first, some thought it was a good thing, a couple of days off school couldn’t hurt. But, the unpredictable happened. As we drove deeper into a world of sickness and uncertainty, the government had no other choice but to set precautions that will help aid the world into what we once knew it to be.
So what are some of the different aspects COVID-19 has impacted in teens?
Mental Health
Many teens in today's society suffer from depression, which the American Psychiatric Association defines as, “major depressive disorder, a common and serious medical illness that negatively affects how you feel, the way you think and how you act. Fortunately, it is also treatable. Depression causes feelings of sadness and/or a loss of interest in activities once enjoyed. It can lead to a variety of emotional and physical problems and can decrease a person’s ability to function at work and at home" (Torres).

Based on this definition, it can be inferred that because teens are not able to physically interact with each other, they are more prone to becoming depressed. Social distancing is a huge part of helping the world get back to somewhat normal, causing teens to turn to social media in order to interact with each other. It is no doubt that interacting with other people is an important aspect of living life, but social media is a very dangerous place, especially for young teens that are more than likely to have insecurities. By exposing themselves to the world, cyberbullies (people who use social media or the internet in general to bring down other people) may have you as their next target. Hateful comments and disturbing statements that will nonetheless make you even more insecure is very unhealthy for people at such a young age to be exposed to.
Tying back into mental health, low self-esteem and bullying are two of the leading causes of depression. In summary, teens who will resort to social media as a way to not only interact with friends but to also make new friends, are at risk of cyberbullying which can cause depression. However, other teens who choose not to use social media to interact with their friends are depriving themselves of having healthy relationships with others besides your family, or causing friendships they had prior to the pandemic to end, which can also lead to depression.
With this being said, what are some healthy and safe ways to interact with others? Check out these websites for ways to stay safe when interacting with friends or making new ones on the internet.
Young Scot
Get Safe Online
Education (School)
Due to the COVID-19 pandemic, many students have fallen behind in their school work or are not taking school seriously now that the majority of classes are online. What students fail to realize is that their education is a key part of their future and what my family likes to tell me, “An education is more than any gold or silver, because no one can take it away from you”.

Having an education is a fundamental part of growing up that ultimately affects your capability to succeed in the real world. Without it, there would be no technological advances, no fancy buildings in beautiful cities, no one to save the lives of people who are falling sick to this day. According to Teaching Jobs, “education plays a major role in the growth and progress of a society. It is one of the key components that can make or break a culture’s advancement. If citizens of a society are educated, they can provide significant contributions in the fields of arts, literature, science, technology, and others, and help establish a well-rounded and stimulating community" (Harald).
All this to say, students need to take their classes seriously and if they are finding remote learning hard, they should notify their teachers or parents/guardians. It’s okay to need help, we're all humans, we don’t understand everything. But that's why there are people who are here to help us learn so if you need help ask for it.
Here are some websites students can use if in need of help and may not have it at home.
The Princeton Review
Khan Academy
Tutor Bin
Summary of Article
In closing, it is clear to see that COVID-19 has had a large, negative impact on teenagers in various aspects of their life. But we must stand strong together in order to overcome the tribulations of today's conflicts. We must not be rendered useless in society, for we are the future leaders and can use our creative minds to unite in times of division.
Works Cited
Torres, Felix. “What Is Depression?” American Psychiatric Association, Oct. 2020,
Harald. “How Can Education Contribute to the Betterment of Society?” Teaching Jobs, 6

About the Author
Luke Angus is a current high school freshman who has interest in biological sciences and creative/research writing. He is passionate about medicine and hopes to one day achieve his dream of becoming a Cardiothoracic surgeon. Luke hopes to inspire and inform other teens around the world within his compositions of literature and aspires to be a part of change which is much needed in today's society.
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