by Sarah Syed
My poem is about seeing the light amidst the chaos, especially, since this year has been difficult for everyone. It is realizing the good even if the world might be a mess right now. Although there can be whispers of insecurity in your mind, it is important to focus on who we truly are. Our minds are like magnets only processing the bad in the day without being thankful for the exceptional details that added a bit of sunshine to our day. The world is filled with majestic beauties that we can take in the form of appreciation. From the shining waters of the ocean containing the deepest depths of coral blues to the soaring sky-high mountains of the Alps and the softest of lush violet lavender fields, fractions of the world around me encapture my senses, making me realize the blessings and bounties I have that I should be thankful for. When I neglect to give thanks to the heavy perfume of wild roses in early July and the song of crickets on humid summer nights, the rivers that run and the stars that rise and the rain that falls and all the good things, I realize that is what should be appreciated. Although COVID-19 has affected the demeanor of how we may use our time, we can always try to put on rose-coloured lenses so we can see the good. It is not until we are deprived of such blessings that we truly realize we should have been grateful.
Deception: The Opposite of the Needle in the Haystack
Life can be like the Sahara in July
When water becomes scarce; an urgent issue
But the oasis is another week away
And the encapsulated borders of the world
Have been shrunk to the depths of a tiny room
Reflecting like surrounded by mirror paned high walls
Resulting in every turn,
Where you run into yourself.
Reality tumbling around yourself
Alarmed feeling like an imposter in an unknown world
Is the world a deception?
Or are you deceiving yourself?
Thoughts being consumed in your mind
In search of the calm voice
That slipped out the door
Searching for meaning
High and low
The screeching echos of imperfections; flaws
Pounding on a single wooden door.
They call it the thief of the night
The silent questioner of them all
Like crawling out of the rubble
From an earthquake,
Gaping at the destruction around yourself
Only to find it was a horrendous nightmare.
They call it deception
The monster that has no form
Only destroying its victims who allow it to inject the poison of negativity.
Let me introduce you to deception’s nemesis,
It was the shadow in your life
Like flowers that bloom on magnificent
Budding into spring
Positivity was left in the shade,
It’s petals remaining around itself
Until the warmth of sunlight is cast upon
Like a reflection,
Only this time it is the reflection of positivity.
Simple positive thoughts, repairs all
But who said positive thinking was simple?
Irrespective of the changes taking place
Efforts always need to be made.
Exceptions will be made
Some days will be like brutal storms
Waves crashing with no clemency.
In this small world
We might feel small as we swirl through space
Time after time,
Colliding into roadblocks
Different is the present
Just like different from the past
Different will be the future,
Again different from the past and present
The right step when taken at the right moment in time
makes all the difference in the present and future.
Remember the sun will rise again
When all seems at sea
Light will emerge out of nowhere beaming at you
Having a positive mindset is not easy but it's life-changing
Because hope is always on the horizon.
Positivity is a light,
To guide you through the dark,
It is the indistinguishable candlelight
So when clouds arrive
You have a lit path to carry you through the night.
When you find it,
Your positivity reflects the clarity of your thoughts
Flowing through your mind
Because positivity is the opposite of deception,
Positivity is like the needle in the haystack
But it's life-changing
It’s the key to unlocking the potential of a hundred locked doors.

About the Author
Sarah Syed is a creative, ambitious grade 11 student. She holds executive positions at her school’s clubs including Model UN and multiple other non-profit organizations. She has been recognized for her countless achievements in STEM science where she has won gold for four years in a row and the best Physics and Chemistry UTSC environmental award along with the Best Chemistry Society Award and bronze at the regional Toronto Science Fair. She also has a passion for writing poetry. Her work has been published nationally and gotten international recognition. She has won First place at the Legion Poetry Remembrance Day Contest. She is fortunate to be a finalist this year for the Genius Olympiad in science and creative writing. Sarah writes hoping to inspire youth of today to be part of social change.