Written by Jasmin Agustin
As the time goes by, we could see the changes and growth of each and every country in this world. We could see the difference from the prehistoric to the modern. All of the things have developed from the technology, place and especially the people. On the other hand, as we look upon the world, we could see different cultures and traditions of each and every country. Every country has their own history that should be respected. As we go along, we can see the widespread global issue of racism.

As I scroll the social media, I could see different perceptions and how the behavior of every person became toxic. An example of this is commenting on one’s grammar and making fun of it instead of educating and understanding. From the gender, ethnicity, and nationality, We could see how iconic we are from each other, how we differ from each other, yet people couldn’t see and respect one culture from another that every country in this world has its own beauty. The different kinds of brutality, social injustice and other problems that involve human races because of how they see these kinds of people, they think that these are unacceptable in society. Discrimination and Inequality are everywhere, our outward appearance, our demeanour etc. because it is one of a kind and makes us special. Everyone was created on their own capabilities but not everyone is ready to understand that. We’re all held to the same standard, everyone is forced to try and meet those standards. Those eurocentric beauty standards of having white skin, coloured eyes and speaking english.
My 17 years of living in the Philippines, has shown me a widespread of judgements and inequality. It is devastating to see people living and being themselves and dragging them because of their ability to step up on their own and build their ways. Our uniqueness, it does affect us because of people's opinion and mindset who constantly judge us. The toxic traits like being judgmental, manipulative and other more of each and everyone which makes one’s person doubt his/her image and it affects its confidence. Through our journey, we come across different kinds of people, who are positive and some of whom are negative. Sometimes we cannot blame them because maybe they also have trauma and negativity that they just passed on to be relieved. All we have to do is ignore it and continue living on our own and for ourselves because negativity can be everywhere if that is what we choose to look for.
These kinds of things should not be the boundaries that cage us in. We should seek and support the positivity of each and everyone. If we keep in mind that all of things can be conquered, they can be. We are free to show our own selves and nothing can stop us in pursuing to be ourselves because I believe we are created with our unique features that are free to express and show to everyone who and what we are because this is us. We should always remember that judgments and cold remarks are everywhere. Mastering the art of not caring too much can make us stronger and braver to achieve our goals to be unique in our own ways. Embrace those things that made you special and unique. Embrace your differences and use them to propel you towards success and happiness. Be confident in yourself because life is too short to live otherwise. When you are 70, would you have wished that you spent your life career that much about what other people had to say about you? Because, they will always have something to say.

About the Author
She is Jasmin Mhica Agustin, 17 years old. She is currently in 12th grade and studying at Faith Christian School in the Philippines. She is planning to take architecture in college. Her interest/ hobbies are martial arts, designing some arts and designs and watching movies. One thing that normal people wouldn’t know about her is that she does alot of sports like running, swimming and boxing. She is very passionate about doing some street photography, photoshoots and creating designs and art.