Written by Ethan Muise
The inspiration for all of these photographs come from two places, wanting to explore Canada and enjoying the little things. Not everything in life has to be a grand adventure but every adventure can be awesome! Photography is a great way to capture those moments you wish could go on forever, big or small.
View of the Frontenac. Quebec City, Quebec, 2019
Purple Summer Nights. London, Ontario, 2017
Still, We Stand. London Ontario, 2019
Distant. Peggys Cove, Nova scotia 2017
The Ocean Calls. Peggys Cove, Nova Scotia 2017
About the Author
Ethan Muise is a grade 11 student at London Central, London, Canada. He is passionate about sharing positivity and inspiring others through art. Some of his interests include film, art, literature and snowboarding semi-professionally! He cannot wait to help share the beauty of the world alongside EyesOnYouth!