Written by Sara Hepperle
During the past few months of the COVID-19 pandemic, and the fact that I have spent quite a bit of time at home, I’ve had the opportunity to reflect upon the school year that I had just completed. It has been 133 days since the beginning of quarantine in Toronto, Canada, and while things are starting to open up as the GTA enters stage three of Doug Ford's “Framework for Reopening our Province, '' I can't help but worry about what the school year is going to look like next year. What will classes be like? How will online learning work? There are so many unanswered questions that I know myself, and my classmates have regarding our grade 12 year which, arguably, is the most important year of high school. But instead of worrying about such questions, I've decided to direct my thinking towards things that I can do to make the most of my last year of high school no matter what it is going to look like.
Here is my list of the top 3 healthy habits a student should use for a successful school year.
Limiting procrastination.
Speaking from experience, this is usually easier said than done. During my grade 11 school year, I probably spent more time procrastinating about school work and assignments than actually doing them, but recently something changed for me. During the month of July, I Completed the grade 12 chemistry course online that students usually do in the classroom. It's normally completed throughout the span of a school year but in this case, it was packed into 21 days. There was at least one test or quiz due every day and sometimes even 2 or 3! With this course, there is no room for procrastination as you will have to get one day behind and you've got yourself at least 8 extra hours of work to catch up on for the next day- I learned this very quickly. Long story short, by the end of the course I had finally realized the importance of completing school work as soon as it is assigned, whenever possible. Acting on things that need to get done, clearing the clutter from your life, mind and schedule.
Healthy eating and physical activity
Everybody knows the saying “an engine only runs as well as the fuel put into it” but i think that students especially need to take this seriously. Eating healthy and practicing regular physical activity is one of the most important factors when it comes to being successful in school. It can be so easy to reach for fast food and not so healthy options especially as a student. The convenience and low cost of these food options attract busy students, but it is important to remember the benefits that eating healthy has on the human brain. Fruits and vegetables, as well as whole grains and healthy fats, contribute to increased focus and attention and well as heightened energy levels. I know it can be difficult to stick to eating healthy when we are constantly being surrounded by unhealthy options, but as soon as students realize the short and long term effects of unhealthy eating and lack of exercise, they will notice a difference in their lives, especially at school.
Maintaining a healthy social life.
It is easy to get caught up in schoolwork, especially in grade 12 when marks matter the most for university applications. But It is important to take breaks and socialize while still staying on top of school. As will all things in life, everything in moderation. Making time to spend with friends and family is such an important thing in order to not be burned out with school. Your priority should almost always be school, but taking care of your mental health and physical health by interacting with others is just as important. Joining clubs in school is a great way to do this! Clubs often meet during school hours at lunchtime or right after school so they don't take too much time out of your schedule. Joining a sports team is another great thing to do because you can get some physical activity while socializing with others at the same time! There are so many clubs and teams that schools offer, everyone is sure to find something that interests them.
In the end, I think the most important thing a student needs to take with them going into the 2020-2021 school year is that their physical and mental health should be their top priority. This means not overloading your plate by procrastinating and pushing assignments to the last minute, eating healthy and getting daily physical exercise, and finally, making time for friends and doing things that satisfy personal interests. I plan on implementing these habits next year in order to be successful in school.

About the Author
Sara Hepperle is a grade 12 student at Monarch Park Collegiate Institute. One of her passions is raising awareness for how mental health-related issues affect today's youth. In her opinion, youth today are under immense pressure and stress, often leading to the development of mental illnesses such as anxiety and depression. Along with her love for graphic design and photo and video editing, she hopes to help
to create a platform where these issues are normalized and
where youth feel they have a voice to talk about how mental
health has affected them in today's society.