Written by Dea Myshketa
When you are a teenager you may not be conscientious of your acts and their consequences. These years are a hard time for young people who think that the whole world is against them. It is a time during which they find themselves, and start getting a taste of what it means to be an adult. But some of them still live in the fantasy of thinking that they’re Peter Pan; they don’t like the dynamics of adulthood. They complain about the struggles of being financially independent and taking responsibility for their actions. Being a teenager isn't easy, because you change a lot mentally and physically as well. Puberty hits you in a thousand different ways, over a thousand different days. You just wake up the next morning with acne all over your face without knowing how that happened. You wear your swimsuit to go to the swim course and you see all those stretch marks all over your skin. You are baffled, insecure, and have no answer for anything.
So you keep wondering: why me?
Unfortunately, these things are so natural that you can’t even think of controlling them, but people claim that having them makes you less of a person. They bully you by calling offensive names or nicknames and you begin thinking that something must be wrong with you. The number of adolescents who commit suicide due to bullying is high and if you are one of those vulnerable people thinking of doing it then, please please read this:
Don’t do it.
Don’t do it for yourself, not for your parents, not for your friends, not for the world, just for yourself. If you can’t see how amazing this world is, how amazing you as an individual are, then you are blind by your circumstances. But you can't lose courage because of that, you always hold to the world and she holds on to you.
No one has a perfect life, no matter if you are a Kardashian or Charlie Bucket. Life has its ups and downs, so no matter how many times you fail and can't touch the sky, you need to go out there and do what you want to do.
That will make you unique and different from others. Don’t think you’re the only miserable human being on Earth. Turn around and see all the people with fake lives, fake smiles, being fake friends, and leading alternative lives. They can’t do a better thing in life but pretend they’re perfect and awesome when their life is shattering in thousands of pieces. Talking from personal experience, I live in a happy family, but we don’t have happy days, just happy memories. I know that my family loves me; I’m lucky to live beside them, but this doesn’t mean I don’t lose myself from time to time. I question my mission on Earth, whether I’m the perfect daughter, perfect sister, perfect student, or perfect friend for others all the time. And you know what?
Despite living with puberty, during my teenage years, I was diagnosed with scoliosis, so I had to wear a back brace in my back for 23/24 hours a day. I said goodbye to outer beauty but started to understand a lot more about the inner me. I discovered the dreams and passions sleeping beneath my soul and today I learned that you are always going to be there for yourself. I have made a promise to myself, whatever life puts me through I'm gonna put a smile on my face and deal with it maturely.
When everyone leaves, you have to stay side by side with yourself. So be kind to her, treat her gently, be compassionate, and hard-working. Always have faith and show support. Imagine like you are planting a fruit tree. You need to be careful with the roots so that it grows healthy and gives you rewarding fruits. So here I leave you, readers, hoping that you take care of your heart and show support. Imagine like you are planting a fruit tree. You need to be careful with the roots so that it grows healthy and gives you rewarding fruits. So here I leave you, readers, hoping that you take care of your heart and water it with a healthy body and a peaceful mind.
Lastly, remember never to heed much to another, only you know what’s best for you. Enjoy it! And tonight before sleeping, count some things that you are thankful for. Pray for health, family, friends. And if you don't think of them, well think of your city, think of trees, think of flowers, think of life. Be thankful for the fact that you’re still breathing, when many others are not. That you’ve still got a chance, that many others would crawl out of their graves for.
Do it, and you'll start living life differently. When no one believes in your abilities, you will learn to support yourself and follow your own dreams, no matter how crazy they are.
Believe me, you will not regret it.

About the Author
Dea Myshketa is a rising senior from Durres, Albania. Her hobbies include sports, singing, dancing, and reading books. In her free time, she is engaged in various extracurricular activities like volunteering at Red Cross or Save the Children and conducting different youth projects there in the position of a leader.